Saturday, September 21, 2013

Awesome Quote from History!

I am frequently astounded that quotes from history...quotes that may have been made hundreds of years ago, are still true today (if not truer today). I was watching a history program on late night cable and there was a quote from Thomas Jefferson that rally caught my attention.  Mr. Jefferson stated: “My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.” 
How did he know this type of thing? How could they be so acutely aware of the affect of anything on the future. I suppose that some things are fundmanetal and apparently, Mr Jerfferson stated this after reading history. Perhaps we all need to read a little more history.
Sooooo, I decided to read a few more quotes from Mr. Jefferson since has many quotes as they pertain to government and because I have had a fascination about him since graduate school at WIlliam and Mary.  He was a tall man yet his desk at William and Mary is tiny!!!! I always wanted to try and sit in it (it is roped off of course)!!!

Paddy Deighan J.D. Ph.D

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