Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Are the Foreign (Especially Russian and Ukrainian) Brides Coached?

HAH, this is an easy one to answer. Da Da Da, the girls are coached and coached and coached.  They know EXACTLY what to say and when to say it.  Did yo ever notice that when yo ask them why they are looking for a foreign man, the universal answer is "Ukrainian men are abusive and all they want to do is drink beer and watch football (soccer)".  The girls maintain that all Ukrainian men have multiple girlfriends too. 

I know a LOT of Ukrainian men - both here and in Ukraine.  I would not say that there is much truth to the above situations.  However, there is a favorable ratio of women to men (favorable for men).  There does appear to be a culture tendency for men to have mistresses. It is almost acceptable to women.

The important thing here is that we speak with many men and women from foreign countries.  We listen to them.  We also help the girls find men!  We help them know which men are serious and which ones are married, flirting or just looking for sex (doesn't make them bad people - LOL).  The serious and legitimate girls ask us a lot of questions. They want to know about culture and the mindset of western men.  I state "western men" but we do have a growing number of men from Asia that seek our assistance and this is not a bad thing as many Slavic girls are interested in Asian culture.

The serious and legitimate girls have to be "de-programmed" from the crud that agency managers and translators have instilled in them.  We strip away the B.S. and myths and tell them the truth!! This process enables us to know which girls are serious.  It is also interesting to see the violent reaction that agency managers and translators have to US!!!  They quickly assess that they are losing control of their profit center (the girl) and they respond in very un-lady like manners!! One such agency manager and translator may have a hit out on Ken!!!!

Paddy Deighan J.D. Ph.D

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Don't Believe the Photos of Online Foreign Brides!!!!

We have taken some time to review and change our business structure after many clients asked for different assistance. We will be offering more trips and personalized service to clients who desire that. We have found that when we go to a foreign country with you, there is a much higher probability of success.

One of the things that we have wanted to talk about is the astounding amount of fraud and misrepresentation by the girls with respect to the girls' profile photos. Many online photos have been edited and altered.  The girls and their agency managers and others have become adapt at utilizing editing software (frequently referred to as PhotoShop which is now part of the Adobe platform).

Many men have commented that they were disappointed when they traveled thousands of miles only to find out that the girl was materially different than advertised. Yes, the girls complain about this too and men should not misrepresent themselves. However, the men have significant financial interest buy the time they travel to meet a girl.  Our experience is that some active girls on foreign dating sites are as much as 6 inches shorter than advertised; 30-40 pounds different than advertised and even many situations in which a girl stated that she had no children when in fact they have children.  They will claim that the profile was created when she had not children and it was not updated. The only thing that is accurate MOST of the time is the birthday and year of birth.

Below is an example of photo editing. This girl is currently on HotRussianBrides.com . I am not stating that there is fraud here, but caveat emptor certainly prevails. One of the concerning features of this profile is that the girl indicates that she has no children when clearly she does. We have contacted HotRussianBrides.com and reported this. Perhaps they will take action but it is unlikely since the biggest problem is that the photos are accurate (albeit disturbing).

Girl from Moldova:

Paddy Deighan, J.D. Ph.D