Thursday, June 27, 2013

How Accurate are International Online Dating Profiles

Many men complain about deception and deceptive practices in the quest to meet and marry foreign women and brides. Deception can be a commonly occurring issue with international internet dating. I have to laugh when the major websites CLAIM that they do all that they can to prevent deceptive practices!!! 

No one wants to waste their time on someone who‘s not even available for a serious relationship. The foreign brides are often required to complete a video validation procedure (frequently referred to as an "attestation").

The foreign brides read and sign an attestation document, and they affirm their statements on video.  promise They further state that they are on the website with honest intentions of developing a meaningful relationship or marriage. They also agree to follow the Terms of Use, which require all profile information to be true, including marital status.

Nastya S. (profile available to members only)

This all sounds GREAT!! However...this is not commonly followed by the websites and the fraud lies in the AGENCIES..and not the websites.  The AGENCIES create the videos and attestations.  Many Ukrainian and Russian brides have as many as THREE passports!! In fact, because of language translation issues (all passports are also translated into English) the Russian brides and foreign wives are allowed THREE mistakes on a passport!!!

The ONLY aspect of a passport that is universally correct is the AGE! Marital status is NOT on an international passport!!!

The next concern that men have is being deliberately deceived by fictitious profile pictures. The men worry that a foreign bride looks too good to be true.  Look CLOSELY at the photos....frequently, you will find one that appears to be a different girl or yo will find one that is the girl without extensive photo shop treatments. The agencies are MASTERS at deception and photo shoots and photo shop are no exceptions!!

Many men rarely believe the age a woman lists on her profile because they are known to often lie about it. Lying about age is another issue that frightens single men. My own sister indicates that it is a woman's prerogative to lie about her age!!!! As I mentioned, age is about the ONLY thing that is accurate about a lot of the profiles.

A foreign bride's age is easily verified and there is not reason to worry about that issue. 

All of the international websites prides themselves on being an international dating website that members can truly trust. 

Paddy Deighan J.D. Ph.D

Saturday, June 15, 2013

How Is Different from Other Dating Websites?

How is different from other dating websites and agencies?  There are essentially three different types of service for men to meet foreign brides.  There are traditional dating websites in which men and women post profiles and there are various ways for them to exchange information and communicate. Examples of this type of dating website are and

The next version of dating websites is “matchmaker” websites.  This version of dating site enrolls men and women into the service and then the staff of the agency selects candidates based upon proprietary formulas. Examples of this type of service are Its JustLunch and the Millionaire MatchMaker program on TV.

The third type of dating website is an introduction service.  Best Meeting Club is this type of dating website and we believe that you will find it to be your best option.  An introduction service allows men and women to communicate in whatever manner is suitable for them. The men and women decide with whom they want to communicate.

Our format is particularly well suited for international dating websites because there are no complications and problems with agencies and translators.  As we have stated in previous blogs, agencies and translators are the root of all evil in the realm of international dating websites. Their goal is to deprive you of your hard earned money. They do this very successfully as many men pay and pay and pay and get no results.

The girls on our dating website have been interviewed extensively on an on-going basis. If they violate any of our policies, they are removed from the website. We have never had to do this because the girls trust us and they are sincere in their search for a good man. They know that is their best option.  We are also very selective in what girls to put on the website. We reject more girls than we accept. How many dating websites can make this claim? Answer: NONE!!!!

Paddy Deighan JD PhD
Oksana B (profile available to members only)

Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Russian Bride Subject That No One wants to talk About...MONEY!!!

Money Money Money!!  Russian Brides and money.  I have friends that moved from Ukraine 10 years ago and about 13 years ago (they are men). I CANNOT convince them that Russian brides actually want love and not just money!!!  Men that travel to Ukraine, Russian and other Eastern European countries sometimes mention that they feel the ladies are only in it for money.

Do You Russian Brides Only Want Money?

The answer is yes and no!!!  Studies show that most women view security and protection as two of the most important issues that they want a man to provide. Part of security is a roof over your head and food. C'mon guys, EVERY woman wants that!!  Having said this, some women are reasonable about this while others are not!! This includes you Slavic love!

It is certainly reasonable to expect to provide some level of support while you are dating a Russian bride.  If an American man is dating an American woman, he will support her in one way or another. Sure, you may not be paying her rent or university bills, but you are paying for dates, gifts and everything else.

What Amount is Reasonable?

We have spoken to many men and Slavic women about this.  The average monthly wage in Ukraine for a woman is about $350/mo!! Yes, per MONTH!! Obviously, some make more but the median wage for a woman there is about $300/mo.!  It is reasonable for them to expect, request or politely suggest about $500/mo.  That amount would pay for a decent to nice apartment (depending upon city and location).  This would take a lot of stress away from the lady and make her feel good and have a night out or two (or make-up purchase). This is not unreasonable and realize guys...these girls have been deprived for a long time and when you come to their country and show her a good time, she will expect SOME level of support.

Online international dating IS expensive. Travel, translators, hotel, taxis...and some support.  The rewards are great because these ladies make great wives!!

Paddy Deighan JD PhD

Don't forget to purchase our Definitive Guide to International Online Dating on or on our website (click here)

Thursday, June 6, 2013

When Can You Expect Affection from Your Russian Bride?

When can you expect affection from your Russian bride? HAH, GOOD question and it is not an easy one to answer because there are cultural, religious and logistical issues.

Many men indicate to us that they are frustrated by a seemingly complete lack of affection from their Russian or Ukrainian girl. Men travel thousands of miles to visit his lady and she acts like he has the plague. Sound familiar?  Virtually every guy seems to experience this phenomenon.  We have spoken to many, many Ukrainian girls about this and their explanations merit discussion.

First, since you are meeting the girl online, she has undoubtedly been in chat with hundreds of men.  Many of those men talk about sex, request video sex chat or otherwise emphasize the physical aspects of a relationship. Sex and intimacy is important to these girls but they do not feel that it is a basis for a relationship.

Another issue is that the Russian and Ukrainian girls live in a fear based society.  Trust me when I tell you , they have a paranoic fear of getting pregnant!! Think about many girls do you know there that have a sister or friend that became pregnant and it altered their life?  The religious issues kick in here too as the girls will generally not consider termination of pregnancy and they are taught that sex is for procreation.

Despite, this, they are women and they do enjoy physical intimacy!!

The logistical issues are relevant too. The girls know that when you make love, you will be going home shortly thereafter (preferably not 10 minutes later -LOL). This is not a good feeling for them.  They also tend to put a man visiting form another country on the "marriage track" and they are less likely to engage in physical intimacy early on in a relationship.

So, When is it Likely that they will be Affectionate?

The best answer is that it is prudent to get your Russian bride away from her friends and family and place her in a position that you can be alone.  Yes, I am suggesting the dreaded travel test!!  Most girls will agree to travel with you after three or four visits to her country.  If she lives in Odessa, take her to Kiev for a weekend or to another country.  At this point, the relationship is getting serious and the girl will have affection on her mind and in her heart.

Be sure and buy our Definitive Guide to International Dating: Russian and Ukrainian Women written by a beauty queen and I.  It is available on

Paddy Deighan JD PhD

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Options to Find Love Online

There are only two basic options to find love online.  The first option is traditional dating websites such as and The second are international websites such as and There are advantages and disadvantages to both options.

Most men that try international dating sites have tried traditional dating sites and their lack of success drove them to international dating sites.  The problems with international dating sites now have many men scratching their heads for the right approach.

I read an article last evening that compelled me to write about this.  I tried eharmony some time ago. I am 6'4" tall and 270 lbs - a former professional rugby player with two doctorates.  The geniuses at eharmony came up with a 5'1' welder as my ideal match and she was not even in my geographical area.  NICE!! I tried and it is the law of abundance...the minute a candidate does something that you do not like, you delete them and move on because there are so many more profiles!!  I do not know anyone that has had success with this.  In fact, I do not know anyone that successfully met a match on traditional dating sites. Anyway, eharmony was rated #2 and (NO WAY!) was #1 (sure, with the Hello Kitty crowd) LOL

The international dating sites have their share of problems too. language barriers, scammers, distance, the AGENCIES, translators, etc. The fraud is staggering to the level that it boggles the mind.

So, What is the Best Approach?

Naturally, we believe that we have taken the best approach because we maximize the likelihood of success and minimize the risk. Additionally, we do not "arrange" dates or weddings as many introduction or matchmaking services do. We let you see all of the girls and you and the girl decide how you will communicate and meet, etc. Then we minimize the risk as we provide translators that are paid a fixed amount and the minute they try and scam you, they are FIRED! The translators are evil to the core (not ours, of course - we train and treat them well)!! Since October 2012 when we started this, we have not had to fire any translators (one is on double secret probation now -LOL) because we pay them well and they no that we have a zero tolerance policy.

Guys,you can keep doing what you are doing now and having the same lack of success, or you can join us an enjoy the experience for a change! Slavic women DO make awesome wives and mothers.  One of our clients is meeting his lady now for the first time and she has a sister and nephew.  Our client is astounded at how attentive the girls are to the child.  Of course he DID mention to me that  the child needs to be around MEN because the boy has already learned the subtle art of manipulation. He cries, they run to him!! Nyet nyet nyet!!

I digress....

Paddy Deighan JD PhD

How Well Do Ukrainian Girls Speak English?

How well do Ukrainian girls speak English? This is a tough one.  At first glance  it appears that very few of them speak much English.  When you review the major dating websites such as, Anastasia or, it would appear that most girls are a beginner. Some of the websites allow the agencies to determine English proficiency while others allow the girl to state her proficiency.

This issue is REALLY important because it is exponentially more difficult to forge a relationship when the girl does not speak English.  Sure, there are "language barrier" issues but there are also translator issues.  Remember, the translators work for the agency and the agency DOES want you to meet girls because the SINGLE BIGGEST SOURCE OF REVENUE for the agencies is introduction fees. They LIVE for them (remember, we own an agency in Odessa, we know this stuff, guys)!! However, the agency DOES NOT want you to to take the girl from their agency because they will lose her revenue (from chat and letter translation).  We have experienced countless times when an agency translator states one thing and the Russian bride stated the OPPOSITE meaning!!

Accordingly, we recommend that you pursue girls that are Intermediate English or better (proficient or fluent).  It is just TOO difficult to communicate with a Russian bride through a translator. The translator WILL scam you!!! Guaranteed!!!


Most Russian Brides..especially Ukrainian girls, speak BETTER ENGLISH THAN THEY WILL ADMIT!!!

Why so they Understate their English Proficiency?

There are many reasons and some are valid and some are troublesome.  Valid reason? Most Ukrainian girls are embarrassed to show how little English they know and they are somewhat afraid to speak English because they want to understand and communicate. Another reason is that the girls are rusty. They do not get to speak English very often.  You will find that they speak much better than you originally think and that they improve QUICKLY with some practice.

Another reason that they underestimate their English proficiency is that they are more comfortable being on a date with someone from their agency. They know the translator and they are comfortable with her (I have yet to see a male translator in an agency).

An additional reason that is troublesome, is that the girls want a translator because they frequently get a piece of the translation fee!!  I am reminded of a day in Odessa when a girl did not want to go one a date because she would only "earn" $10 (her cut of the translation fee). By the time they got through with the date, the girl made about $40 because of the taxi scam and restaurant scam.  That is good pay in Ukraine.

In Russia, English is routinely taught in elementary school. It is not routinely taught in Ukraine elementary schools.

Do not forget to purchase or e-book on!! It is the best $19.95 you will ever spend!

Paddy Deighan, J.D. Ph.D