Thursday, June 6, 2013

When Can You Expect Affection from Your Russian Bride?

When can you expect affection from your Russian bride? HAH, GOOD question and it is not an easy one to answer because there are cultural, religious and logistical issues.

Many men indicate to us that they are frustrated by a seemingly complete lack of affection from their Russian or Ukrainian girl. Men travel thousands of miles to visit his lady and she acts like he has the plague. Sound familiar?  Virtually every guy seems to experience this phenomenon.  We have spoken to many, many Ukrainian girls about this and their explanations merit discussion.

First, since you are meeting the girl online, she has undoubtedly been in chat with hundreds of men.  Many of those men talk about sex, request video sex chat or otherwise emphasize the physical aspects of a relationship. Sex and intimacy is important to these girls but they do not feel that it is a basis for a relationship.

Another issue is that the Russian and Ukrainian girls live in a fear based society.  Trust me when I tell you , they have a paranoic fear of getting pregnant!! Think about many girls do you know there that have a sister or friend that became pregnant and it altered their life?  The religious issues kick in here too as the girls will generally not consider termination of pregnancy and they are taught that sex is for procreation.

Despite, this, they are women and they do enjoy physical intimacy!!

The logistical issues are relevant too. The girls know that when you make love, you will be going home shortly thereafter (preferably not 10 minutes later -LOL). This is not a good feeling for them.  They also tend to put a man visiting form another country on the "marriage track" and they are less likely to engage in physical intimacy early on in a relationship.

So, When is it Likely that they will be Affectionate?

The best answer is that it is prudent to get your Russian bride away from her friends and family and place her in a position that you can be alone.  Yes, I am suggesting the dreaded travel test!!  Most girls will agree to travel with you after three or four visits to her country.  If she lives in Odessa, take her to Kiev for a weekend or to another country.  At this point, the relationship is getting serious and the girl will have affection on her mind and in her heart.

Be sure and buy our Definitive Guide to International Dating: Russian and Ukrainian Women written by a beauty queen and I.  It is available on

Paddy Deighan JD PhD

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