Thursday, May 23, 2013

Russian Brides on Video Is Not ALWAYS as it Appears

Well, our first event has successfully concluded. I can say ONE thing for certain: the Russian Brides now know what we go through in order to get to Ukraine!!!  We are hearing of stories of sleeping for two days after they arrived home!! Ken and I are both in the West coast so we have an extra 5-6 hours when we travel to Ukraine.  You East coast guys have a HUGE advantage!  I am still at a loss to determine why guys from England, Germany and other Western European countries do not visit Ukraine more frequently.

One subject that seems to have stirred up the proverbial hornet's nest of activity is the video chat issue.  Many men erroneously believe that video chat is an assurance that they are in chat with their Russian bride.  It is SOME assurance but let's not place too much emphasis on this. Here is why...

First, there are MANY Russian brides that are VERY adept at video chat. We have personally spoken to girls that can VIDEO chat with FIVE men at a time!!  This certainly affects their SQ (sincerity quotient)!! You can watch their eyes...they rapidly move from left to right and back again as they read multiple messages at the same time.

Watching them type is NOT as useful as you may think!  For one thing, they may be typing to a translator on Skype who is in turn sending the message to you.    Another thing is that frequently the translation programs (most use Google translate) do not adequately translate and the Russian bride must re-type the message. There is also a slight time delay because of poor video chat quality.

As we mentioned in a prior blog, many Russian brides are very well versed in the art of the quick change and altering of appearance.  I have been been thrown off a few times and I know what and how they do this!! They can throw on  wig and change clothes faster than Heidi Klum in her prime!!

We are going to write a lot about chat and video chat because there are a lot of issues relative to this.

Paddy Deighan JD Ph.D


1 comment:

  1. I'm with you on the travel time. Heavens to Purgatory let's keep the Ladies flying here!
    My next flight is 24 hours travel time. From Los Angeles to Moscow with a 4 hour layover then on to Odessa. it's a grind. Nastya has no idea what I go through just to see her. The Ladies don't let me sleep for 2 days when I get there! Not to mention the jet lag from a 10 hour time difference. It's rough!

    I can't begin to tell you guys how many different Website Video Chat scams I've seen. In under 15 seconds a good translator can throw on a wig, change outfits, raise her chair and now she's a tall blonde right back in chat with the same guy except she's using a different profile.

    Let's not forget about the Recorded Loop. I've seen it in action and it still fools me. Some girls are required to come into the Agencies and video chat for 4 hours a week. The Agency just records that chat session and then 2-3 translators use that profile 24/7 while playing back the recorded loop. These Agencies and the Translators that work for them are Really Good at their job.

    Their job is to take your money!

