Monday, May 27, 2013

What to Look For in a Russian Bride...

First and foremost, Happy Memorial Day to everyone!! My dad served as a Marine on Iwo Jima and he survived (he was in the third wave). This holiday is about a lot more than hot dogs and parades. Hug a Vet..they are the reason that we have freedom (for as long as we still have it)!!

We touched on some of the warning signs to determine whether your Russian bride is sincere..I thought that it is a good time to talk about the single biggest thing that you should look for from your Russian bride.  The ONE thing that should be non-negotiable for you is CONSISTENCY.  This issue includes inconsistency as a possible deal breaker.

It is imperative that you look for consistency in your Russian bride. Consistency will ferret out some of the less sincere girls. Look for consistency on multiple levels.  Does she follow up on things that she says that she will do (be online at a certain time for example).  Does she remember things about your life (such as a birthday)? Does she remember and discuss topics that you spoke about in a prior chat (vacation plans, events etc)? 

"Consistency" also is an indication of insincerity. Is your Russian bride ALWAYS online? Be careful with this one guys, the agencies employ "hacker" software that enables a profile to appear to be online in order to get interest from guys..when a man requests chat the profile beeps and any girl that is working in the agency will jump on the profile to chat!  I have seen this with my own eyes....5, 6 girls hanging out in the kitchen (wow, what a surprise huh?) and then the software beeps and they RUN to the work stations..first one to the profile gets to chat (and earn money). 

 Is your Russian bride constantly sending out form letters?

One piece of advice that I give is to have a slightly different name for yourself  than your profile name.  For example, my full name is Padraic but I am referred to as "Paddy". If a girl knows me and she sends a letter to "Padraic" it is spam from the agency and I do not reply. I also change the city in my profile from where I actually live.  When you see letters that ask how you are doing in Chicago but you really live in Milwaukee, you will know which letters are spam this way too. Many websites such as HotRussianBrides requires that you utilize your legal name and this is an opportunity to use a differnt name in chat and letters..."John" can easily become "Johnny or Jack"

Guys, do not ignore the warning signs!!  If you see a consistent pattern of inconsistency...RUN!!! These girls are well trained and they are professionals at bilking you so you need to learn how to identify the sincere Russian brides.

If you need further assistance, check out our e-book on Ebay.  Our e-book is listed as

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Paddy Deighan JD PhD

Anastasia S. (Profile only available to members)

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